For a happier and more spiritual future!

About us

The Order of the Golden Dragons

is a spiritual group was founded in 2010. Since then we became an international continuously growing community. We are supporting people in need from orphans to those in need of rehabilitation. We are also supporting emerging companies. Our aim is to create a happier and more spiritual future.

What we are:

We have a great network of people globally supporting us and we always say YES to people asking for our help to make their dreams come true.

Our focus is to support groups and individuals on
-health related
-and financial levels.

Ways we can help:

-Through a growing network of volunteers,
-Environment protection projects
-Financial aids where it's most needed,
-Spiritual support provided by experts and also volunteers.
-Constantly growing free database of educational contents.

The group was originally funded by well known occultists in the UK on the 4th of June, 2010. They were deeply involved in spiritualism and had a deep desire to make our planet a better place. Currently, they are working on getting the Order of the Golden Dragons well known worldwide on multiple levels:  As a charity, as a spiritual group and also the solution for the main problems on our planet.

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