For a happier and more spiritual future!

Thursday 30 August 2018

Sex, productivity and motivation

The mystery of sex energy and transmutation, and how you can harness this universal life force to send your productivity into overdrive. Napoleon Hill talked about the Transmutation of Sexual Energy, calling it the most powerful tool in existence when it comes to creation, invention, accomplishment, creativity, advancement, and achievement. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and independent anthropologist.

Modern pantheon

Modern Pantheon

Have you ever wondered where the ancient civilization`s gods and goddesses gone? Did they go into exile along with their
people/priests who once worsipped them? 
Did they really disappear or are they still can be present in our modern society?

In this article my subject to this matter is going to be the ancient Greece pantheon and their appearance to humanity these days. 
In ancient Greece gods and goddeses lived on the mount of Olympus. There were 13 deities who had their placeon this sacred mountain. Zeus- god of the sky, lightning, Hera- wife of Zeus, perfect wife, Poseidon- god of see and the middle world,
Hestia-goddess of hearth, Athena-goddess of strategy, wisdom, Apollo- sun god, god of music, arts, archery, play writing,healing, divination, Artemis- goddess of huntings, archery, Aphrodite- goddess of beauty, sexuality, procreation, seduction,
Ares- god of war, Dyonusos- god of wine, parties, Demeter- goddess of grains, fertility, Hermes- god of communication,
thieves, trickery, guardian of travellers, collecting souls after death, Hephaistos- god of forgery,Hades- god of underworld, death, he did not
have his own place on Olympus but certainly was one of the main gods.
In the olden days it was totaly normal to have statues of deities made of stone, marble and food and drink offerings were
left at the feet of these sculptures. Each god and goddesses had their own favorite things that had to be sacraficed in return
of good luck, love, protection, succes in business?. 
There were temples for every deity. People back then had more personal and close relationship with their gods then in nowadays.
What happened to these higher beings after 476 A.C. ?A new relegion took place, with a different concept of god.
This time it was only one and omnipotent oppose to the idea of politeism that seemed to be gone for good. Or does it?
I think we can all agree that love, relationships and sexuality exist in our lives. Almost everzbody is looking for love,
have marital issues, have sex during their lifetime.It is a good example how Aphrodite lives on til this day. These things
never ended nor did the goddess herself. 

Are we living in harmony? Is peace dominating our lives? Or is it raher war, terror and fear? We all witness these around the globe. I can 
assure that there is a god, called Ares feeding on these energies along with his two sons Phoebos and Deimos. The name of
Phoebos means fear,the latter means terror. Take a look in the world, just watch the news and you will see there was a terror
attack somewhere, or mass shooting killing many. In the 20th century we had WW1 and WW2. These entities are still around
and influencing people to start fights, wars and similar occurances.
Next stop is Hermes. Have ever been fooled, taken advantage of, stolen from?
Can you recall when a charming sales man convinced you to buy 
something that you would have not ever done it otherwise? This is the work of Hermes. He is an excellent marketing guy who
knows exactly what to say to talk you into something that you do not even need or want. Another example for Hermes influence in our world
is conmen. We can hear stories how people cheated money out of thousands, by lying and taking their money just to get rich
quick then flee with huge ammount of money. These unforunate events still exist because of one particular god mentioned above.

How many of our readers have their kitchen with an oven in it? How many of you cook, prepaire meals and drinks for your loved
ones? Does grandma bake cakes for the family? Do you cook 3 meal courses dinners at seasonal greetings/celebrations when
the whole family gathers and spend the day in high spirit? It is the modern version of honouring Hestia, goddess of hearth,
family and home. Her modern praising has gone through changes since the ancient times where there was a fireplace with fire
never put out in stone circles, temples. People gathered around to spend time with their loved ones.

Can we all agree that the Sun is the centre of our galaxy? Can it be seen from our planet? I think the answear is yes, we can.
So maybe there is Apollo the sungod is out there. His qualities can be found in humans. Such as being positive, happy,
naive, egoistic, distant from everybody, introverted, good hearted, loving, self absorbed, excellent leader, creative to mention
just a few. Apollo lives through these qualities that we humans can also possess and make the most of it. For instance a
successful businessman must have the qualities of being a good leader, good skills of management, and able to think big,
be positive and hopeful in order to reach his and his companies goals. A polyhistor could resembel with Apollo because both 
are wise, well learnt and masters of many things. 

Do you believe life after death? Do we all die one day? 
where do we go after we passed away? What is the afterlife like?  These unansweared questions still
excites our minds. There is a special being who could give you answears and clues to these questions. His name is Hades, lord of
the Underworld, afterlife. Death, afterlife still present in our lives so does Hades.

Let`s get back to life, growth, nourishment. Are farmers growing their vegetables, grains and sell them to provide
to their own families and their costumer`s families? Are there grains made into breads, rolls, baguettes,etc? By eating
them we all grow, and develop just as Demeter goddess of harvest, growth, agriculture, grains, would want us to do for her pleasure.

Who encountered with frightening lightning on a stormy night? How did it make you feel watching the blue lightbolts? I bet
you witnessed something majestic, powerful force that you cannot control. It is something just like Zeus, god of lightning and sky.
He is very powerful indeed and well, out of this world. Possessing a power that is greater then humans can comprehend and have
influence on. Zeus shows himself sometimes by causing thunderstorms, throwing lightbolts. His energies manifests in "alphamales"
whos  have common behaviour in life. for example great leaders, know what they want, have good position at work, earn a lot,
 know how to treat women and get them with no trouble, womanisers. 
Intellect, intelligence, wisdom, deep thinking. Does these concepts ring any bells? I can picture a scene from a university
where professors, lecturers having an elevated discussion on economy. People who have the privilege to learn, study at universities
colleges, or belong to certain groups that have enlightment as their goals. Intellectual, intelligent people and their groups
are all inspired by Athena. 

What about party scenes? Partying hard, getting intoxicated on a bottle of wine, dancing, having fun and not to care? I beleieve
men and women do it on a regular basis. Maybe our society`s party animals have not got an idea that they actually 
worsipping the god of rapture, wine, party called Dionysos.He is also responsible for making patients to psyhiatric
institutes, asylums as lunatics, insane and mentally disturbed. 

Now let`s check out what is going on with the domestic situation like  marriages, childbirth and family. These are the
supremacy of Hera. She is with us to this day simply because those notions does exist so must Hera. Women still giving birth, babies
are being born all over the world, men and women unite in marriage then form a family. There is another thing, thou. How many
times you heard about husband was unfaithful and his wife took revenge? It is noting new, this phenomena dates back to
ancient times and still present in our lives thousand of years later. 

I hope in this article I manage to make ancient greek gods and goddesses appear a bit more real, and point out they are
never died but transformed and live through their attributs. 

Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

" Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it 
and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it.
For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued;
it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended 
side effect of one's personal dedication to cause greater than
oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other
than oneself.
Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success:
you have to let it happen by not caring about it. 
I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do
and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge.
Then you will live to see that in the long-run- in the long-run, 
I say!-success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it."

( Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning)

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Tuesday 21 August 2018

20 commonly asked spiritual questions

Dear Friends,

Following Ian MacKenzie's post on Matador Network,

I would like to provide my answers to his 20 spiritual questions.

I hope that provides guidance for seekers from all circles may those be representing
any religions or spiritual groups.

 1. Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?

 It is because people make wrong decesions that is based on poor morality. People lacking the knowledge how to make the right choice which can lead to succes, happiness and peace.

 2. What is the relationship between science and religion?

 In an ideal world of existence the two would be the same. In present time science and religion seem to be the opposite which I find strange simply because if you take a closer look how the smallest cells work in your body it operates in order, regenerates, it dies, etc. suggests there must be a higher intelligence behind it.

 3. Why are so many people depressed?

 I believe people are depressed because they incapable of controlling their own lives, cannot confront their emotion turbulence and feel disconnected from spirituality.

 4. What are we all so afraid of?

 There can be many reasons for that such as death, incurable diseases, losing a loved one, being left alone. The main thing could be behind it is that lacking the knowledge how our Universe works. Once you figured it out, it gives you a peace of mind.

 5. When is war justifiable?

 For protection of human right, or stopping terrorists or supporting groups and people creating a happier and more spiritual future.
 Please, let me also confirm, war can not be only fought with weapons. That to be avoided at the highest level possible. As unnecessary harm in it's any forms.

 6. How would God want us to respond to aggression and terrorism?

 It depends on religion/spiritual standpoint. For example in ancient Greece god of war Ares would have absolutely loved and encouraged it in oppose to Hestia, goddess of hearth. If you have the Christian's god in mind he takes a stand in his chosen nation and helps and protect them even it is through war.  -as you can read about it in Old Testament. However In the new Testament Jesus teaches us to forgive and love, he is definitely against war.

 7. How does one obtain true peace?

 Fist of all, confronting one`s issues such as health, relationships, financial. Finding solutions for one`s problem through meditations, exercises, art anything that elevates your spirit to the point that one sees her/his life in an outer perspective that helps to be creative enough to sort out those issues.

 8. What does it mean to live in the present moment?

 To able to smell those scents, fragrances, odors that are in one`s environment, see objects around that are actually there, hear all those noises or even silence that is with the individual at the time, be able to touch the objects that are around, feel their material, temperatures. When you are aware of your surroundings you become more conscious and focused, more quick to react to changes and make better decisions that serves your welfare.

 9. What is our greatest distraction?

 In my opinion the greatest distraction is paying too much attention to meaningless things for instance what others think, gossiping, being angry and holding onto this anger for ages, not letting thing go, feeling negative.

 10. Is current religion serving it's purpose?

 Which religion are we talking about? Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca, Paganism, etc? In overall I believe that if you blindly follow only dogmas it will never be able to serve your needs or humanity`s. If you want to find peace, happiness you need to see beyond dogmas, have to establish a connection to a Higher power/Intelligence or god call it whatever you want. Every people need guidance on a daily basis, in each situation a unique and tailored formula should be applied to get a good solution.

 11. What happens to you after you die?

 Well, your body starts to decompose but your soul, spirit, you, your being lives on. It gets freed from its physical prison then moves on to the next level of conciseness.

 12. Describe heaven and how to get there.

 To be honest I have not been to Heaven yet or if I had been I cannot remember to share my experience. My translation of Heaven is a place or a dimension that is chosen by your higher being who is wise and knows whats the best for you. Heaven must be a plane where you end up being there based on your expectations in waking life.

 13. What is the meaning of life?

 In every men and women it varies. Each individual has a purpose to obtain order in the Universe. Each person should know what it is or seek if it is unknown to them. It can be  being a good surgeon to help patients, or become a teacher who is responsible for the education of the next generation of humanity, being as astrophysicists who ensures that humanity receives updated information about the galaxy and universe, being a  baker who supplies his/her town with good quality food.Each job has its own function same as a clockwork, every single tiny peace has its own purpose and they work as a team. The final result is a clock or watch. Beautiful. What matters the most is everybody do what they suppose to do, being a useful part of the system resulting in balance, harmony, and order in the universe.

 14. Describe God.

 Yet again, depending on religion or personal belief there are many different options.  But if you are interested in a universal higher intelligence/power is something like this: the cause changes in the universe, controlling these changes, maintaining and if it wishes ceases it. Sees, hear and knows everything, can be at multiple places and times at once. Able to create as it wishes, knows the laws of the Universe.

 15. What is the greatest quality humans possess?

 To be frank humans can stand up to changes. No matter what, even if our life depends on it we just do not change for the better or worse. Remain still, and of course nothing will ever happens.

 16. What is it that prevents people from living to their full potential?

 Their excuses and lack of self discipline. When someone get over his/her excuses and for example make more time to learn a new language which could be beneficial on a long term nothing guarantees that the individual will complete the course due to make the efforts to learn, to make money for it,etc it requires a lot of effort and willingness. Without self discipline anything is impossible to reach.

 17. Nonverbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world.

 Thumbs up for the nations of the planet for finally starting to make serious steps for environment protection and for those people trying to stand up for a happier and more spiritual future.

 18. What is your one wish for the world?

 I wish the world was a more spiritual place and the laws of the universe widely recognized.

 19. What is wisdom and how do we gain it?

 Wisdom means smart enough to make right decisions and judge the situations. It can be gain by opening up to learn new things and experience  that never been experienced before and making conclusions. Learn from mistakes and avoid making them again  in the future. Do researches, reading books about ancient civilizations.

20. Are we all one?

 In terms of  we are all made up from the same material like stars, our body contains the same elements as other celestial bodies in the universe/ and other elements in the universe I guess we are somewhat one entity from a far objective standpoint.

Please, comment and suggest below if you see something different, have any idea or would be happy to discuss this further.
