For a happier and more spiritual future!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Witchy colorings

That's all for witchy kids, and parents with witchy kids :)
Please click on each pic for better resolution (greater size)!

Please don't forget to share with us any pics you or your kids colored, so we can publish.


Spell Check

Monday, 9 May 2011

Our statistics after the lucky 10.000th

Well, over our 10.000 pageloads we have to say very big thanks for all of you.
Let me share our statistics with you, so you'll see how far we've managed to get so far since
the 2nd of July, 2010.

Thanks again, you are georgeous :)


Page LoadsUnique VisitorsFirst Time VisitorsReturning Visitors
Total 10,035 4,603 2,657 1,946

YearPage LoadsUnique VisitorsFirst Time VisitorsReturning Visitors
2011 5,168 2,468 1,482 986
2010 4,867 2,135 1,175 960

Are you our 10.000th visitor?

Please comment to let us know,
so you can get your reward.