For a happier and more spiritual future!

Tuesday 10 October 2023

The Human Journey's Final Moment: The Day of Judgment

 Throughout the history of humanity, one question has always intrigued us: what happens to us after we die? Over the millennia, various religions, philosophies, and cultures have attempted to provide different answers to this question. In this blog post, we will explore our various concepts of the Day of Judgment and how we can determine how to live our lives with this awareness.

Modern Christianity teaches that through repentance and redemption, we can attain forgiveness for our sins, even before our death. This belief can be difficult for many to comprehend and accept. How is it possible that someone who has been a good person throughout their life could face eternal damnation because of a single sin near the end of their life?

Regarding the Day of Judgment, numerous concepts exist. It's possible that each individual opens their own dimension guided by their conscience, resulting in placement in a positive or negative realm. In this case, the concepts of space and time that are part of our world do not exist in the afterlife, and life after death is eternal.

Then there's the idea of reincarnation and karma, which are present in various religions. People may be reborn into new lives, carrying with them karmic burdens or rewards. It appears that the state of eternal life after death is not uniform for everyone, and the possibility of reincarnation exists.

Many have returned from clinical death and shared near-death experiences, often leading to significant life changes. Some have reported encounters with luminous beings who seem to conduct evaluations. These accounts support the common belief that we will be judged based on our actions in life.

But is it enough to repent in the final moments? How can we know when our last day will be? Different religions paint various pictures of the destinations we might reach after death and what we can do if we don't end up where we'd like to be. The opportunity for reincarnation may be akin to a retest, a chance to rectify our mistakes.

It's important to understand that concepts of space and time are unique to our world. For the soul, existence is infinite, and perhaps the purpose of earthly life is to develop the spirit and perfect the soul's eternity.

Ultimately, what is the Day of Judgment? Perhaps the best approach is to recognize that each person has their own reality, the culmination of their earthly journey. At the end of the human journey, each individual must confront their own actions and decisions.

Therefore, it's worth living every moment as though it were the Day of Judgment, because we never know when our journey will come to an end. Human life is a precious gift, and the best we can do is to respect it and make the most of the time we have. It's worthwhile to live our lives in a way that, if the Day of Judgment were to arrive, we would perform well on that "exam."


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