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Saturday, 16 September 2023

The Journey of Self-Discovery: Exploring Family Constellations and Horoscope Setup for Deeper Insight

Welcome everyone to this special interview! Today, we're delving into a topic that may still be mysterious to many but is equally fascinating. It holds the potential to take us even further on the path to successful self-discovery. Family constellations and planet-horoscope setups are two areas that can assist us on our journey of personal growth and healing.

In this interview, we'll get a glimpse into the world of family constellations and planet-horoscope setups. We hope that these conversations will intrigue you and pique your interest to explore these methods for self-awareness and personal development.

Atomm: Hello Mikolta! First, could you explain what family constellations are and how they work?

Mikolta: Family constellations primarily work with the family system (parents, ancestors, and related concepts) to resolve transgenerational issues. Let me provide a few examples. Someone may have financial issues, which could stem from their father's side or even from significant losses experienced by their ancestors (such as during nationalization or asset confiscation). Relationship problems in the present might be influenced by unresolved past relationships or incorrect patterns learned from parents. It could also be connected to unfulfilled love within the family lineage, impacting their destiny. It's also quite common for a child to take on one of their parents' roles, which can hinder their future partner selection. Essentially, we work with the family unconscious, so family secrets and the aspects that affect descendants play a significant role. For instance, there may be hidden or excluded family members whose fate the descendant unconsciously takes on.

In group family constellations, we always work with a small group, ideally no more than 10, but usually around 7-8 participants. There's a questioner who presents their issue, and representatives in the group embody the questioner's internal dynamics and family system. Representatives draw sensations, emotions, thoughts from the informational field around them related to the questioner's system. The questioner assigns roles to the representatives one by one, and they share what they perceive in their respective positions and roles. The facilitator guides the process, vocalizing what's happening within the representatives, and if necessary, using resolution sentences to facilitate healing within the system. Multiple constellations can take place in one day, and in some cases, the questioner can also participate as a representative. It's often observed that representatives are not randomly chosen for their roles; there's significance and a lesson for them in the positions they assume.

Atomm: How does planetary and horoscope setups play a role in family constellations, and why did you choose this holistic approach?

Mikolta: The work with the informational field was popularized by Bert Hellinger, and initially, as I mentioned earlier, it was primarily used for healing family systems. The method's effectiveness and brilliance are evident as it has been around for several decades, and various branches have grown out of it, all of which also work with the informational field. Today, we have techniques like somatic drama (which deals with illnesses and has representatives take on roles in different body parts), story constellations (using story characters), and organizational constellations (arranging representatives for organizational members).

Planet and horoscope setups work with the astrological archetypes present within us. In this type of setup, I retrieve the person's natal chart and position the planets from it within the space. The birth planets and axes represent their inner facets, their internal system. To facilitate this, I use Symbolon cards, placing representatives on them. Since this method requires more participants than traditional family constellations, a person might be placed on several cards.

I chose this approach because I've been involved in astrology for over 20 years. What sets it apart significantly from family constellations is that I delve deeper into astrological intuition and expertise. Additionally, the birth chart acts as a karmic condensation. What's intriguing is that we start with the planets, but we might delve into a story. This could be a familial blockage, a current issue, or it could even lead to past life narratives. It depends on the questioner's system, what they allow, what they are curious about, and where they are in their journey. We can explore various layers accordingly.

Atomm: What are the advantages of planetary and horoscope setups and family constellations in terms of personal growth and healing?

Mikolta: Astrologers primarily engage in horoscope setups, incorporating their expertise. However, there are technical aspects that originate from family constellations, as the latter provided the inspiration. On the other hand, we can reach different layers, including family system blockages, through horoscope setups. There are more developed techniques for this, enabling us to step out of the system and facilitate healing more effectively. So, with horoscope setups, we can bring a lot of awareness and harmonization to various aspects of our lives. We gain insight into what's happening within us and which archetypes are active in the physical realm. In family constellations, Bert Hellinger's resolution sentences allow us to delve deeper into the system, based on the Order of Love that he developed.

Atomm: What types of topics and questions can people expect to address through family constellations or horoscope setups?

Mikolta: The usual classics, I'd say! :) Questioners may want to improve their relationships with their partners, children, parents, or bosses. They may seek to understand their role in the world better, strive for better maternal situations, or uncover the hidden motives behind past events.

In family constellations, there are also specific topics, such as feeling like you don't belong or processing the loss of a twin.

Atomm: What advice would you give to those interested in horoscope setups or family constellations and looking to explore the possibilities in these areas?

Mikolta: I recommend that newcomers initially participate as representatives in family constellations or horoscope setups. This way, they'll feel firsthand what these methods are about and what they entail. If they resonate with them, it's worth coming with their own issues.

You can also reach out to me. I hold family constellations sessions once a month, typically on odd months, and horoscope setups on even months.

Upcoming dates:

September 23, 2023, Saturday – Family Constellations

October 7, 2023, Saturday – Horoscope Setup

Molnár Ildikó Mikolta

Astrologer, Integral Counselor

So, if you're curious about how these therapeutic methods work and how they can help you resolve life's challenges, stay with us and explore the enchanting world of family constellations and planet-horoscope setups!

We encourage everyone to experiment and open their hearts to these possibilities. Self-awareness and personal development never stop, and these methods can aid you on your journey. Whether it's family constellations or planet-horoscope setups, both have their unique charm and power. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming sessions as we explore these possibilities together!

Thank you for joining us, and remember: you don't have to walk the path of self-discovery alone! 😊

Contact for family constellations:

Phone: (+36)30-449-5642



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