For a happier and more spiritual future!

Monday, 11 September 2023

Yana Fortune Teller - The One Whom Before There Are No Secrets

 Welcome to another exciting interview. Today, we have Yana, a renowned fortune teller with special abilities in extrasensory perception and esoteric teaching, as our guest. I, Atomm, will be conducting the conversation. Our goal is to try and better understand Yana's fascinating life journey and passions.

Atomm: How did you get to where you are today in your career and life?

Yana: The journey has been quite long. It all began with college seances. One day, a friend of mine handed me a book by Eileen Holland titled "Witchcraft Today." Receiving that book changed a lot for me. I started exploring religion and began buying and studying books on esoteric, spiritual topics, Wicca, and divination. I believe everything unfolded naturally from there.

I applied to a website to write esoteric articles about my experiences, and I started doing readings there simultaneously. I got to know my colleagues, one of whom invited me to appear as a Hungarian psychic on TV, and another invited me to join an international online psychic platform in English. This led to more opportunities, including appearances on other Hungarian and English websites.

I was invited to events as a guest psychic, featured in an article in a women's magazine, and even received an offer to host a show on another TV channel.

In 2019, I received a Certificate of Excellence nationally as a psychic and esoteric teacher.

Along the way, I left several positions to focus primarily on my own websites. The journey has been long, and it's not over yet. However, I had to leave jobs where everything revolved around deception and misleading people. I couldn't mislead my clients by claiming there were curses or spirits on them when there weren't, or lie in other ways to increase my income. I believe we should never deceive anyone who comes to us with their trust.

Atomm: What is the most important goal you'd like to achieve in your life?

Yana: I have many plans and I'm working on them. Building my Hungarian and international websites with reputable psychics, advisors, and esoteric articles. Promoting the Wicca religion and the Order of the Golden Dragons in Hungary and internationally. I would like Wicca to be accepted in our country, and I want to do more for environmental conservation.

But as a typical Gemini, in addition to all this, I'm interested in learning programming and web design.

These days, I have very little time for myself. But when I do, I enjoy learning languages, cooking, and baking.

Atomm: Do you have any special hobbies or passions you'd like to share with us?

Yana: When I had more free time, I used to paint and read books.

Atomm: What advice would you give to those who want to pursue a similar career path as you?

Yana: Special advice? I'm not sure how special it is, but I would say always, under all circumstances, remain true to your humanity. Don't try to harm or curse anyone, even if the client requests it. Remember that what goes around comes around, not just for those who ask but also for you.

Another important unwritten rule is confidentiality. Couples, family members, and friends may seek your services. I never disclose to one party what I've predicted for the other, as this can lead to significant problems.

Atomm: What is the strangest question you've ever been asked in your line of work?

Yana: Once, I conducted a curse check for an American client. I didn't know the street where the client lived, but I sensed it was in the same neighborhood as someone the client mentioned, and I had a rough idea of its size and appearance. To my surprise, I recognized the location. There was another case where an acquaintance asked me to locate a photograph. I just knew and saw where it was, and indeed, it was there. I had never been to that place. There was also a request to locate car keys, and I succeeded. But clairvoyance or clear seeing doesn't always happen. I can't force it; it comes or it doesn't.

Atomm: Who is the person who inspires you the most, and why?

Yana: There's no one I follow or consider a role model. It might sound strange, but I want to live my life in a way that sets an example for others. However, as I wrote that, two important individuals came to mind. Diana, Princess of Wales, for her humanity, helpfulness, and friendliness. The other is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, on a bad day, gives me strength. He proved that coming from a neighboring country, he could make it to California from nothing and achieve great things there. He inspires many to believe that with determination, strength, and willpower, we can achieve our dreams. We should focus on ourselves and not be concerned if not everyone believes in us; we should believe in ourselves.

Atomm: Thank you for being with us today, Yana. It was very inspiring to hear about your career and your advice. We hope you continue to be successful in your life and in promoting the Wicca religion. We wish you all the best, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


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